Danum Valley 丹浓谷保护区 Borneo Rainforest Lodge

Danum Valley is a tropical rainforest conservation area located in the eastern part of Sabah, Malaysia. It is one of the largest and oldest lowland rainforests in the world.
Danum Valley is a tropical rainforest conservation area located in the eastern part of Sabah, Malaysia. It is one of the largest and oldest lowland rainforests in the world.
Shooting for Album Photos and BTS for Jeii Pong 庞琂予「You’re so funny」Music Video. Glad to work with the great team again. here’s the link for the Music Video:
為 伍姑娘「我要踢波」音樂錄音帶拍攝專輯照+幕後花絮 Glad to be working with the great team again. Shooting Album photos and Behind the scene for the Music video shooting here’s the link for the MV:
馬來西亞首個在海上懸崖峭壁的Via Ferrata,只在 Summer Bay Resort, Lang Tengah Island, Malaysia 浪中島!我也是第一次挑戰一邊爬海上懸崖,一邊拍攝。
提到Firdhaus 菲道尔,当然离不开他的爆红歌曲「阿拉斯加海湾」,算是2020年的神曲,几乎每一位歌手都会翻唱/点唱,可说是家喻户晓。
爬了那么多外国的山,却没爬过自家的沙巴神山,好像有点说不过去,毕竟Mount Kinabalu也是东南亚数一数二最多人攀爬的名山,虽然也需要从吉隆坡越洋飞过去沙巴,但4095m高的神山却是马来西亚引以为傲的地标,还被印在纸币一块钱的背面呢。
感谢Bell宇田的邀请,为她最新同名专辑《Bell宇田》拍摄专辑照片~~ 期待成品!
Great thanks to Rom Tan and Carol Xiao for the Prewedding shooting invitation. Congratulations ~!! ❤️❤️ Shooting location sets at the very centre of beautiful Kuala Lumpur City
MCO 新常态之下,艺术表演全都从现场搬上网路世界。我因为疫情影响转向网路视频拍摄🎬,拍了将近百场网路直播之后,在Bell 宇田的邀请拍演唱会照片📷之下,终于有机会做回老本行,重拾相机拍照❤️
对于肯逸湖 ( Tasik Kenyir ) 的认识,从小学校课本就有听过,看过几张教科书上拍得不是很好的黑白图,几乎没什么印象,只知道这个位于马来西亚东海岸登嘉楼的人造湖,是东南亚最大的。