Danum Valley 丹浓谷保护区 Borneo Rainforest Lodge


Danum Valley is a tropical rainforest conservation area located in the eastern part of Sabah, Malaysia. It is one of the largest and oldest lowland rainforests in the world.

The conservation area was established in 1986 and covers an area of approximately 43,800 hectares, including rich ecosystems, species, and cultural heritage. The region is also home to many rare species of flora and fauna, such as Asian elephants, leopards, wild boars, sun bears, monkeys, snakes, frogs, crocodiles, and hundreds of bird species.

It is a place full of tropical rainforest charm and natural beauty. If you want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and experience the true nature, Danum Valley is definitely an ideal destination. Here, tourists can participate in various exciting activities, such as bird watching, river rafting, mountain climbing, camping, and visiting indigenous villages. You can also enjoy the wonderful starry sky or admire the beautiful scenery at sunrise and sunset. Immersed in the lush forest, you can hear the wonderful sounds of the tropical rainforest, such as the chirping of various birds, the chirping of insects, and the friction of trees, which is very therapeutic!

Danum Valley 是位于马来西亚沙巴州东部的热带雨林保护区,是全球最大也是最古老的低地雨林之一。保护区于1986年成立,面积约43,800公顷,包括丰富的生态系统、物种和文化遗产。这个地区还拥有许多珍稀的动植物物种,如亚洲象、豹、野猪、马来熊、猴子、蛇、青蛙、鳄鱼等,以及数百种鸟类等等。

这里是一个充满热带雨林魅力和自然美景的地方。如果你想逃离城市的喧嚣和压力,感受一下真正的大自然,Danum Valley绝对是一个理想的目的地。在这里,游客能够参加各种精彩的活动,如观鸟、河流漂流、登山、野外露营、参观原住民村落等等。还可以在这里享受美妙的星空,或者在日出和日落时刻欣赏到绝美的景色。沉浸在郁郁葱葱的森林中,可以听到热带雨林中奇妙的声音,如各种鸟类的啁啾、昆虫的鸣叫以及树木的摩擦声,非常疗愈~!

When visiting Danum Valley, one does not have to consider by staying at the Borneo Rainforest Lodge, the only luxury resort in the conservation area and acclaimed as one of the world’s best rainforest resorts. It is located in the dense jungle, only a few hours’ drive from Lahad Datu, it is a secluded and remote paradise.

I was initially surprised when I first arrived, unable to believe that this resort, surrounded by 130 million years old ancient forest, able to offer various luxurious accommodation options, including riverfront and jungle villas. Each room is equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning, private balconies, bathrooms, hammocks, and tea/coffee-making facilities, making it the most comfortable accommodation I have ever experienced in the wilderness.

I feel honored that my wife and I had the opportunity to stay in the three most luxurious suites during our ten-day stay in the pristine rainforest, and I will introduce them one by one later down below.

来到 Danum Valley,不用考虑务必一定要入住 Borneo Rainforest Lodge,是保护区内唯一一家豪华度假酒店,也被誉为是世界上最好的雨林度假村之一。它位于茂密的丛林之中,距离 Lahad Datu 仅有数小时车程,但它却是一个与世隔绝的、遥远的世外桃源。 当初第一次来到时有点惊讶,不敢相信被这一大片1.3亿年的远古森林环绕的度假村,竟然拥有多种豪华的住宿选择,包括河畔别墅和丛林别墅,每个房间都配备了现代化的设施,如空调、私人阳台、浴室、吊床和茶水设施,是我去过原始大自然中最舒适的住宿了。 很荣幸的我和猪妹在原始森林内渡过十多天里,有机会入住了这里最豪华的三种套房,在下面再一一介绍。

The first room we stayed in was the Deluxe Room, located right in the heart of the tropical jungle, as if immersed in it. All the rooms are spaced apart, providing plenty of privacy and ensuring that other guests do not disturb each other, allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in the tranquility of nature.

The room’s balcony faces the pristine forest, with an outdoor pool where we can soak and enjoy the natural surroundings.

第一间入住的是 Deluxe Room,就在热带丛林当中,仿佛深入其中。这里的房间之间有一小段距离,很有私人空间,不会被其他游客打扰,能够完全的融入清静的大自然。


As night falls, the entire forest becomes quiet and still, but the activity of the creatures here reaches its peak. The tropical rainforest at night is a place full of surprises and excitement. If you love adventure and exploration, you must not miss the experience of a night safari.

Borneo Rainforest Lodge provides guides for night hiking, trekking through dense forests, crossing small streams, and climbing hills to explore the secrets of the forest. Every night the rainforest is full of surprises, and we see new species every single day, including many kinds of lizards, frogs, snakes, colorful insects we have never seen before, very exciting indeed!


Borneo Rainforest Lodge 有提供向导进行夜间远足,穿越茂密的林木、越过小溪和爬过丘陵,探索森林的奥秘。我们在这里的每一晚都有惊喜,天天看到新的物种:有各类蜥蜴、青蛙、蛇、各形各色从来没看过的昆虫等等,非常的精彩!

The lantern bug is an insect, also known as Fulgoridae, belonging to the order Hemiptera. These insects are very beautiful and striking because of their unique shape and colors.
The name of this insect comes from the special shape of their bodies, which looks like a small lantern. Lantern bugs typically live on trees and they like to feed on sap and plant fluids.

Lantern bug(灯笼虫)是一种昆虫,也称为灯蟬科(Fulgoridae),属于半翅目昆虫。这些昆虫通常被认为是美丽和引人注目的,因为它们有独特的外形和色彩。
这昆虫的名字来源于它们身体的特殊形状,看起来像一个小灯笼。Lantern bug 通常在树上生活,它们喜欢吸食树木汁液和植物汁液。

We were lucky enough to witness and capture the rare sight of a cicada shedding its skin during one of the forest exploring night! These cicadas chirp loudly and piercingly at 6am and 6pm daily like an alarm clock.

难得一见的金蝉脱壳,竟然在其中一夜中被我们看到并拍下来,太幸运了!这些蝉每天早上和傍晚 6 点钟都会准时的鸣叫,而且非常刺耳。

In the following days, we upgraded to a more luxurious Premium Deluxe Room, which was extremely spacious and could easily accommodate 8 people with its two King Size beds.

The balcony was also larger, with two lounge chairs. My favorite activity was drinking coffee, tea or beer while facing the forest every morning. It was a truly enjoyable experience. Another activity was soaking in the larger pool and gazing out at the wilderness.

接下来的几天换了更高级的 Premium Deluxe Room,非常的宽敞,有两张King Size Bed,住上 8 个人都没问题。


One of the biggest attractions of Danum Valley is the 300-meter-long canopy walkway that hangs over the treetops, allowing visitors to stroll through the forest and admire the various plants and animals of the forest layers.

The canopy walkway is situated at a height of approximately 26-27 meters and offers a panoramic view of the entire forest, providing a sense of its grandeur and mystery.

The walkway provides an excellent opportunity to observe and learn about the forest ecosystem, and its elevated position makes it easier to spot the wildlife of the forest without having to venture deep into the dense vegetation where hidden dangers may lurk.

Danum Valley 其中一个最大卖点,就是这个长达300米的树上吊桥,悬挂在森林的树冠之上,可以让游客在树林中漫步,欣赏到森林层的各种植物和动物。



One morning, while strolling on the canopy walkway, we came across a mother and child pair of Orangutans who had come out to forage for food

其中一个早上,我们在吊桥上漫步,让我们撞见了一对Orang Utan人猿母子,早上出来觅食。

For the remaining days, we were upgraded to the most luxurious honeymoon suite, the Premium Villa, which was like a small bungalow with a big sofa and a huge king size bed.

The large balcony is facing the forest riverbank and had an outdoor mini pool. The bathroom have a bathtub leaning against the floor-to-ceiling glass, so we could soak in hot water while enjoying the tropical rainforest view.

On the first day of checking in the suite, we were welcome with a large basket of tropical fruits and a dessert platter! If you plan to have a secluded jungle honeymoon trip, this is definitely the room to stay in!

剩下的几天,我们被升级入住了整间森林旅店最豪华的蜜月套房 Premium Villa。好像一个小房子一样大,有沙发,一张超大的双人床。



The room also provides us with a pair of expensive branded binoculars from Swarovski, which can be used to observe wildlife in the distance.

房间也有提供昂贵的名牌望远镜 Swarovski,可以观赏远处的野生动物。

One of the main features of the Borneo Rainforest Lodge is that you don’t even have to venture into the forest to see Orangutans – they sometimes appear right at the doorstep of your room.

During our stay here, we saw four different Orangutans foraging near the hotel. Unlike other places, feeding wild animals to attract them to tourists is strictly prohibited here, so you can witness their natural behavior and see how they climb trees and gnaw on tree bark, which is very different from captive wild animals.

Borneo Rainforest Lodge 其中一个最大的特色就是,不用进入森林里,Orang Utan 红毛猩猩也会出现在我们房间门口。


The word “Orangutan” originates from Malay language, meaning “forest people”. They are the only species of great apes in Asia and one of the largest arboreal animals in the world.

Orangutans in Sabah are found in the state’s jungles and tropical rainforests, where they typically live in trees and only come down to the ground to forage for food when their primary food sources are scarce.

Orangutans in Sabah are currently critically endangered, primarily due to habitat destruction and human activity interference. Therefore, many organizations and government agencies have taken measures to protect this rare animal, such as setting up protected areas, prohibiting illegal hunting and deforestation, and so on.

Orangutan 这个词源于马来语,意思是“森林人”。它们是亚洲唯一一种大型人猿,也是世界上最大的树栖动物之一,分布在该州的丛林和热带雨林中,通常生活在树上,只会在食物枯竭时下到地面觅食。

沙巴的 orang utan 目前处于濒临灭绝的状态,主要是由于其栖息地的破坏和人类活动的干扰。因此,许多组织和政府机构已经开始采取措施保护这种珍稀的动物,例如设立保护区、禁止非法狩猎和树木砍伐等。

Apart from the hornbills and orangutans, the most commonly seen animal in groups near the hotel is the Red Leaf Monkey.

The Red Leaf Monkey, also known as the Maroon Langur, Maroon Leaf Monkey, or Malay Leaf Monkey, is a species of monkey that lives in Southeast Asia and belongs to the Colobinae subfamily.

Although Red Leaf Monkeys are common wildlife in this area, their population numbers are also affected by factors such as deforestation, habitat destruction, and illegal hunting, making them an endangered species.


红叶猴(Red Leaf Monkey),又称红叶猕猴、红叶狒狒、马来猴,是一种生活在东南亚地区的猴类动物,属于狮尾猴科。


Borneo Gibbon, also known as Bornean Gibbon, is a relatively shy species of apes, so they are rarely seen near the lodge. During our early morning hike to see the sea of clouds, we were lucky to spot a young Borneo Gibbon searching for fruits to eat in the trees.

Gibbons are a species of apes that live in Southeast Asia and belong to the family Hylobatidae. They are unique tree-dwelling animals, known for their graceful singing and gentle personalities. Their songs can be heard from afar, and one can follow the direction of the sound to locate them. They are often referred to as the “singers of the forest.”

Borneo Gibbon 婆罗洲长臂猿是属于比较害羞的人猿,所以在旅馆附近几乎都见不到。我们在一大早登山看云海的过程中,很幸运的看到了长臂幼猿在树上找果实吃。

长臂猿是一种生活在东南亚的猿类动物,属于长臂猿科。它们是一种独特的树栖动物,以其优美的歌唱和柔和的个性而闻名,从远处听到它们歌唱就可以朝歌声的方向去留意它们的行踪,也被称为 “森林的歌者”

At Borneo Rainforest Lodge, you can taste a variety of Malaysian food and western cuisine that is suitable for foreigners. The lodge offers a wide selection of dining options, and even after staying for more than ten days, you won’t have to repeat your choices. Whatever your taste and flavor preferences, this place can always satisfy your needs.

What’s even more important is that the Borneo Rainforest Lodge places great emphasis on the freshness of the ingredients. Despite being located in the heart of the rainforest, they ensure that the beef, lamb, seafood, and other ingredients are incredibly fresh, allowing guests to indulge in delicious food and enjoy their time in the forest. In addition, the restaurant offers a variety of fruits, with eight types of tropical fruits cut up and served to guests during each meal.

在Borneo Rainforest Lodge,可以品尝到多元的马来西亚食物和适合外国人的西餐,而且旅馆的餐饮选择非常丰富,连续入住十多天也不会有重复的选择。不论什么口味和风味,这里总能满足旅客的需求,可以品尝到传统的马来西亚美食,也可以尝试到适合外国人口味的西式料理。

更重要的是,Borneo Rainforest Lodge非常注重食材的新鲜度。尽管旅馆坐落于原始森林中,但是他们保证牛肉、羊肉、鱼虾海鲜等食材都无比新鲜,旅客们可以尽情地品尝美食,享受森林中的美好时光。此外,这里餐厅还提供多种多样的水果,每顿餐都会有切好的8种热带水果供大家选择。

The dining table is set on a spacious terrace facing river and pristine rainforest, making every meal here a true enjoyment. Diners can feast on delicious food while admiring the lush greenery, listening to the gentle sound of flowing water. Occasionally, various primates and birds can be spotted, and sometimes a group of otters can be seen playing in the river, making for a unique dining experience.


The small corner in this lobby is the favorite spot of me and my wife Zhu zhu. Although it was originally designed as a resting area for children, we often chill and relax around this area, sitting on the floor, drinking tea, chatting, and playing board games.

这个大厅中的小角落是我和猪妹最爱的区域,虽然本来是设给儿童歇息的地方,我们每次都会在这里休闲的坐在地板上喝茶聊天玩 board game。

When it’s getting dark, especially after rain, the forest becomes more lively. All kinds of small animals sneak out from hiding to forage,  and we continue to explore the forest with professional guides, searching for insects and frogs hidden in the dark corners.


This is the Tiger Leech, which is almost the most feared creature among tourists in the forest. The Tiger Leech is a blood-sucking parasite that lives in tropical rainforests and moist environments, and is named after its tiger-like stripes.

Tiger Leeches usually parasitize on the skin or inside the body of mammals, birds, and reptiles, feeding on blood. They have a strong sense of smell and sensitivity, and when looking for hosts, they wave their bodies and rely on sensory cells on their body surface to detect heat sources and respiratory odors in the surrounding environment in order to lock onto their host. The mouthparts of the Tiger Leech are very sharp and can easily penetrate the host’s skin, allowing it to suck blood at a fast rate.

If you haven’t been bitten by a Tiger Leech, it’s like you haven’t been to Danum Valley. Tourists who have been bitten can even request a certificate with a title “bitten by leech” from the front desk – what a creative souvenir!

这个是几乎所有游客在森林中最害怕的生物,叫虎纹蛭 Tiger Leech。虎纹蛭是一种生活在热带雨林和潮湿环境中的血吸虫,因其身体呈现虎纹而得名。


没有被虎纹蛭吸过血的话,就不算有来过Danum Valley了。被吸过血的旅客还可以从前台索取一份「被水蛭吸过血」的文凭呢!非常有创意!

Adventurous tourists can also participate in Water Tubing water activities. The entire journey will pass through different sections of rivers, including calm waters and areas with strong currents, allowing you to feel the power and challenge of the water. While crossing streams and rivers, you can also enjoy the spectacular jungle scenery along the way, listen to the sounds of birds and insects, and feel the mystery and beauty of nature. Throughout the activity, it is necessary to wear a life jacket and helmet to ensure safety, and ride on a tire while drifting with the river.

喜欢刺激的游客还可以参与 Water Tubing 水上活动。整个行程中将穿过不同的河流段,有平静的水域,也有水流湍急的地方,感受到水流的力量和挑战。在穿越小溪和河流时,还可以欣赏到沿途壮观的丛林美景,聆听鸟鸣虫吟,感受到大自然的神秘和美妙。整个活动中必须穿上救生衣和头盔,以确保安全,乘坐在轮胎上,任河水带领着漂流。

Forest trekking is the main attraction here and is suitable for people of all ages and genders. Borneo Rainforest Lodge has countless forest trekking trails around it, among which the most famous ones are:

Coffin Cliff Trail: This is a 2.6-kilometer trekking route that starts from the lodge and climbs along the cliff. This route offers excellent viewpoints and overlooks the magnificent scenery of the entire Danum Valley.

Segama Trail: This is a 6.2-kilometer trekking route that starts from the lodge and passes through the pristine forest and several small streams. This route passes through various forest ecosystems and offers a chance to see a variety of wildlife and waterfalls.

Kadazandusun Burial Site Trail: This is a 1.4-kilometer trekking route that starts from the lodge and passes through the forest and grassland, ultimately leading to a traditional burial site of the Kadazandusun people. Along the route, visitors can see various wildlife and remnants of indigenous cultures.

View Point Trail: This is a 2-kilometer trekking route that starts from the lodge, passes over a small hill, and ultimately leads to a viewing platform with a magnificent view of the entire Danum Valley. Along the route, visitors can see various wildlife and unique terrain.

Overall, the forest trekking trails near the Danum Valley Rainforest Lodge offer various difficulty levels and lengths, catering to the needs of different visitors and allowing them to explore the forest, appreciate the natural scenery, and encounter wildlife.

森林徒步是这里最大卖点,也是男女老少都适合的活动。Borneo Rainforest Lodge 周围就有数不清的森林徒步走道,其中最出名的几个有:

  1. Coffin Cliff Trail: 这是一个长度为2.6公里的徒步路线,从旅馆出发,沿着悬崖峭壁往上攀爬。这条路线提供了极佳的观景点,可以俯瞰到整个丹南山谷的壮丽景色。
  2. Segama Trail: 这是一条长达6.2公里的徒步路线,从旅馆出发,穿过原始森林和多个小河流。这条路线经过多个森林生态系统,可以欣赏到各种野生动植物和瀑布。
  3.  Trail: 这是一条长达1.4公里的徒步路线,从旅馆出发,穿过森林和草地,最终抵达一个传统的卡达山度颂人的埋葬地点。在路线上可以看到各种野生动植物和原住民文化的遗迹。
  4. View Point Trail: 这是一条长达2公里的徒步路线,从旅馆出发,经过一个小山丘,最终抵达一个观景台,可以欣赏到整个丹南山谷的壮丽景色。在路线上可以看到各种野生动植物和特殊的地形。

总的来说,Danum Valley Rainforest Lodge 附近的森林徒步走道提供了多种难度和长度的选择,可以满足不同游客的需求,让他们可以深入森林,欣赏到自然的美景和野生动植物。

猪妹手上握着的是一种名为悬铃木(Scientific name: Dipterocarpaceae)的树木所产生的种子。悬铃木的种子有独特的翅膀状结构,能够让它们在空气中旋转着下落,这就像直升机旋转桨的运动一样。因此,这种种子也被称为”helicopter seed”。

What Zhu Zhu is holding in her hand is a type of seed produced by a tree called Dipterocarpaceae. The seeds of Dipterocarpaceae have a unique wing-like structure that allows them to spin and fall through the air, similar to the motion of a helicopter rotor. As a result, these seeds are also known as “helicopter seeds”.

This pile of mushrooms grew from elephant dung. Will I be tripping after consuming them?


There are no caves nearby, so bats sleep in the leaves during broad daylight.


The Borneo pygmy squirrel is a small arboreal rodent and one of the smallest species of squirrels in the Sciuridae family. Its body is extremely delicate, typically measuring only 7-8 cm in length and weighing less than 10 grams. They have a pair of large eyes and a fluffy tail. They are classified as “Near Threatened” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and are at risk of disappearing from the earth.

婆罗洲鼠鸣松鼠(Borneo pygmy squirrel)是一种小型树栖啮齿动物,是松鼠科中最小的种类之一。鼠鸣松鼠的身体非常精巧,体长通常只有7-8厘米,重量不到10克,它们有一对大眼睛和一条蓬松的尾巴,是被国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)评为“近危”物种,随时会消失于地球上。

The tree behind us is a Strangler fig tree, that can often grow into a massive crown covering thousands of square meters. Its unique growth pattern involves climbing and wrapping around other trees, then extending roots downward to eventually encase and completely cover the host tree. The roots slowly grow into sturdy pillar-like structures, forming a cage-like structure until eventually completely enveloping the original tree, creating a massive fig tree.

In the original forests of Borneo, the Strangler fig tree plays an important ecological role by providing habitat for other organisms, improving soil quality, helping to stabilize soil and reduce soil erosion. Additionally, the fig tree can absorb a significant amount of carbon dioxide, making it a positive factor in mitigating global climate change.

我们俩后面这棵是 Strangler fig tree,榕树,是一种热带常绿乔木,往往能够长成巨大的树冠,覆盖数千平方米的区域。榕树的独特生长方式是通过攀爬和缠绕在其他树木上,然后向下伸展根系,最终将其他树木缠绕并完全覆盖。它们的根系会慢慢生长成粗壮的柱子状,形成一个类似笼子的结构,直到最终将原本的树木完全包裹住,从而形成一棵巨大的榕树。


Following the Coffin trail will lead you to an indigenous burial ground that dates back hundreds of years. This site contains the remains and coffins of many ancestors of the Kada Sana Dusun community, and is exceptionally well-preserved, making it an important site for archaeologists and researchers studying the ancient culture of the region. Within this community, death is seen as a process, where the soul leaves the body and continues to exist in another world. They believe that burying the body in a proper place ensures the soul continues to exist and maintains a connection between ancestors and descendants. Therefore, both the burial ground and the coffins are highly significant artifacts.

沿着Coffin trail就会来到一个原住民墓地,大约可以追溯到几百年前。这里保存了许多卡达山度孙族群落的祖先的遗骸和棺木,墓地的保存状态十分良好,这也让它成为了考古学家和研究者研究当地古代文化的重要场所之一。在这个族群中,死亡被认为是一个过程,灵魂会离开人体而继续存在于另一个世界。他们认为,将遗体安葬在合适的地方可以让灵魂继续存在,并且保证祖先和后代之间的联系。因此,墓地和棺木都是非常重要的遗物。

Imagine this:Two of you sitting on the banks of a pristine forest river, with exquisite tableware laid out on the table, red wine swirling in glasses, emanating an enticing aroma, while a chef at the cooking station is preparing dish after dish of delectable cuisine just for the two of you.

The waiter is devotedly pouring wine and serving dishes, allowing you to completely relax and enjoy this wonderful moment. The food on the table, from grilled skewers to Rendang chicken, fried shrimp, and steak, all mouthwatering, providing your taste buds with the ultimate satisfaction in the ambiance of nature.

In the primitive river forest environment, you share this rich lunch together, feeling the wonder and power of nature. This is a romantic and unique moment, allowing you to fully immerse in this extraordinary experience and enjoy this rare luxury.

It may seem unreal and extravagant, but it’s not. At Borneo Rainforest Lodge, this experience can be a reality for you. Whether it’s for your honeymoon, wedding anniversary, escaping the bothersome kids for some alone time, or even a clandestine rendezvous, come and enjoy this experience and create beautiful memories that will last a lifetime!




感觉很不现实很奢华是不是?并不,在这里 Borneo Rainforest Lodge 可以为你实现。来这里度蜜月、结婚周年庆、或丢下烦人的孩子们俩人好好共渡二人世界、甚至想偷情怕让别人看到的,都可以来体验一下,保证让你留下美好回忆!

Borneo Rainforest Lodge in Danum Valley is truly an unparalleled experience and there is a reason why it is hailed as one of the best eco-tourism destinations in Malaysia. The pristine rainforest, wildlife, and forest activities here will give you an incomparable feeling and let you experience the power and mystery of nature. It is a highly recommended trip that you won’t regret.

总结:Danum Valley 的 Borneo Rainforest Lodge 真的是一个无与伦比的体验,这里被誉为是马来西亚最好的生态旅游胜地之一是绝对有他的原因的。这里的原始雨林、野生动物和森林活动体验将带给你无法比拟的感受,也让你感受到大自然的力量和神秘,是一次非常值得的旅行。

Borneo Rainforest Lodge Website 网址:


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