对 Perth 珀斯的了解,莫过于坐落于澳大利亚最西边的城市,而且也是全球第二最孤立的城市,离其它城市非常遥远,距离最近的城市 Adelaide 阿德莱德 也要距离 2000多KM!除了城市孤立之外,连旅游景点都离市中心偏远,来这里旅游需要点耐心,最少都得开个200多公里才能到达一个景点。来这里不赶时间的话,大把机会给你慢慢开车郊游。


21/11/2016 – 29/11/2016  ( 9 天自由行)

Perth 珀斯 Fremantle 弗里曼特尔Pinnacle Dessert 尖峰石阵Busselton 巴瑟尔顿Caversham Wild Life Park 野生动物园


这次是我第二次来到澳大利亚,相隔上一次来到墨尔本 Melbourne 也有几年。一个在东南,一个在西南,横跨整个澳洲南部2727公里,相信人文风情、景色也会有所不同。会来到这里也是托我朋友 Wan Xin和Derrick两公婆的福,为了帮他们拍摄婚纱照,特地飞了我和猪妹过去。乘着这个机会,除了工作之余,也延长了住宿,在这里逛一逛。

这次的行程我会分成 5 篇完成,而我也在有限的时间内去了5个地方:有沙漠剑峰石阵,古老的旧市镇 Fremantle,看鲸鱼和南半球最长的木桥 Busselton 巴瑟尔顿,也去了野生动物园与袋鼠玩耍。这一篇会先介绍 Perth 珀斯市中心。


做了些功课,珀斯市中心没什么地方让我感兴趣,想去玩的景点不是往北/南部230多公里,就是往东部开340公里,最近的也就是旧市镇 Fremantle,仅仅20多公里的距离。



Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街



Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街



Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街

晚上可以来到 S Perth Esplanade 来看 Swan River 的夜景,这里到了晚上经常刮大风,夜里欣赏夜景的话必须穿厚一点。


Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街



Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街

来到了伦敦街 London Court,就一条露天的购物街,建筑风格从1937年保留到现在,除了是珀斯重要的旅游景点之外,也被列入重要遗产之一。

地点:Hay St, Perth WA 6000, Australia


Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街



Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街



Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街



Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街

这算是珀斯最出名的地标 Blue Boat House,也是每一对情侣都会来这里拍摄合照或婚纱的著名景点。据说由于太多人来来往往,导致桥与小木屋多次下沉,因此主人曾多次封锁木桥,不让游客踏入。我们很幸运,可以在那边不停的进行拍摄。

地点:Crawley Edge Boatshed (Blue Boat House),
Swan River, Perth Western Australia


Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街

夜间来到了珀斯另外一个景点 The Bell Tower,里头挂了 18 个 16 世界的古钟,如果想听美妙的古钟响起,可以在每一天的中午 12 点到 1 点钟来到顶楼欣赏。

地点:Barrack Square,Riverside Drive, Perth
Western Australia

+61 8 6210 0444 
[email protected]


Soho Bar and Restaurant

地址:16 South Terrace, Fremantle WA 6160, Australia




Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街

先来杯澳大利亚产的啤酒 Tooheys Extra Dry。


Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街



Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街

点了 CAPRICCIOSA PIZZA(San Marzano tomatoes, or di latte, leg ham, mushrooms, artichokes, olives & oregano)AUD23,是这里的招牌。



Address : 507 Nicholson Rd, Canning Vale, WA, 6155

Telephone: 08 9456 4228

Pub opening hours: 11am-10pm, Sunday to Thursday;
11am-11pmish, Fridays and Saturdays

Kitchen opening hours: Lunch: 12pm-2:30pm everyday;
Dinner: 6.00pm-8.30pm Monday to Saturday; 5:30pm-8.00pm on Sundays




Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街

Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街


Little Caesars Pizzeria

地址:7125 Grt Eastern Hwy
Mundaring WA 6073
电话: (08) 9295 6611
Open from 4pm till late 
Closed Tuesdays



2010 World Champion Pizza Maker – Las Vegas Pizza Show

2006 Las Vegas Italian Chef Wars Winner

2004 Member of Dairy Farmers Team Oz that won the Americas Plate

2003 Australian Winner of Dairy Farmers Best of the Best


这家餐厅非常小,人很多,而且不允许订桌。所以来到这里无时无刻都满桌,每一次来都要排队。这里Pizza特别的地方在于口味独特,而且都是自创的,非常新颖。最典型的Hawaiian,Seafood,Mozzarella Pizza等等吃腻的话,来这里绝对没错!最特别的还有甜品Pizza,上面放雪糕甜品。我强力推荐 “Birds of Tokyo”,这里最畅销的Pizza之一。当然种类还有很多,只可惜肚子空为有限不能每一种Pizza都给它试完!




Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街

我强力推荐的:Birds of Tokyo。鸡肉里混合了Teriyaki和日式mayonnaise,美味无比!


Ciao Italia – South Perth

Address: 273 Mill Point Road, South Perth (Corner of Douglas Avenue)
Phone: 9368 5500
Trading Hours: Tuesday to Saturday – 5:00pm to 10:00pm




Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街
Australia, bell tower, blue boat house, capricciosa pizza, fremantle, last drop pub, little caesars, little caesars pizzeria, london, Perth, pizza, swan river, The Bell Tower, tooheys extra dry, West Australia, 伦敦街, 水上木屋, 澳洲, 澳洲西部, 珀斯, 蓝色小木屋, 购物街


珀斯 Perth 餐厅和一些景点介绍完毕,接下来我会继续介绍珀斯城市以外的另外4个景点。。。请点击继续阅读阅读


One comment

  1. 好兴奋!我买了一张去Perth的机票,还没敲定行程的天数,还有要不要去一起去Melb~ ^^

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